Boost your Confidence-3 Tips

Confidenc can help you reach your goals. But where does confidence come from — and how can you get more of it? Here are 3 quick tips to boost your confidence…

Tip #1: Try a quick fix. There are a few tips that can give you an immediate confidence boost. Our favorites: Picture your success when you’re beginning a difficult task. Strike a powerful pose for five minutes before a challenge. And listen to music with deep bass, which can promote feelings of power.

Tip #2: Believe in your ability to improve. Do you believe that your abilities and talents are fixed at birth, like your eye color? Or that can they be developed — like your muscles? Researcher Carol Dweck defines these beliefs as the “fixed mindset” and the “growth mindset.” With a fixed mindset, you may be more likely to give up after an early setback — thinking that you’ve discovered something that you’re not very good at. But with a growth mindset, a challenge can be an opportunity to learn and improve. The truth is, the connections in your brain will get stronger and grow with study and practice.

Tip#3: Practice failure. Face it: you’re going to fail sometimes. Everyone does. Studies show that those who fail regularly and keep trying anyway are better equipped to respond to challenges and setbacks in a constructive way. They learn to try different strategies, ask others for advice, and persevere.

So, think of a challenge you want to take on — and go for it. The world needs your confidence!


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